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- Medium bodied, extremely fast setting, low VOC PVC cement for all classes and schedules with interference fit through 6" (160 mm) diameter, Schedule 80 through 4" (110 mm) diameter. Premium formula for wet conditions and/or quick pressurization. Suitable for irrigation, plumbing, and pool & spa applications. Can be used without primer on non-pressure systems if local codes permit.
Weld-On® 725™ Wet R Dry™ Medium Bodied Extremely Fast Setting Cement, Low VOC, 1 pt, Metal Can, For Use With: PVC Plastic Pipe, Syrupy Liquid, Aqua Blue, Ketone, <510 g/l VOC, -20 deg C Flash, Composition: Tetrahydrofuran (THF), Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), Acetone, 0.924 at 23 deg C Specific Gravity
- 3 years shelf life
- -108.5 deg C first melting/freezing point based on component THF
- 56 deg C based on first boiling point based on component acetone
- -20 deg C TCC flash point based on acetone
- 321 deg C based on THF auto-ignition temperature
- All rigid/flexible PVC classes, schedules and types
- ColorAqua BlueContainer Size1 ptContainer TypeMetal CanFormSyrupy LiquidSpecific Gravity0.924 at 23 deg CFlash Point-20ManufacturerIPS CorporationManufacturer #10166Odor / ScentKetoneSuitable For Use WithPVC Plastic PipeTypeLow VOCVOC Content<510 g/l