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Pipe Test Mandrels

32 products
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Cherne® 285250 Core Mandrel Assembly, 24 in L Mandrel
Cherne® 285488 Core Mandrel Assembly, 48 in L Mandrel, Aluminum
Cherne® 285552 Fin Set, 24 in, Aluminum
Cherne® 285617 Core Mandrel Assembly, 10 in L Mandrel
Cherne® 285688 Fin Set Deflection Gauge Kit, 6 to 10 in Pipe, 5 %, Aluminum
Cherne® 285698 Fin Set Deflection Gauge Kit, 8 to 12 in Pipe, 5 %, Aluminum
Cherne® 285798 Fin Set Deflection Gauge Kit, 6 to 10 in Pipe, 5 %, Aluminum
Cherne® 286568 Fixed Deflection Gauge, 6 in Pipe, 5 %, Steel
Cherne® 286578 Fixed Deflection Gauge, 8 in Pipe, 5 %, Steel